Complex of offshore and onshore engineering-geological, geophysical and geotechnical surveys
The largest industry conference “Oil and gas of Sakhalin” finished in the island capital on September 29th. This year the key topics of the event were oil and gas services localization and deep oil and gas refining in the Sakhalin Region. In total 189 companies took part in the forum “Oil and Gas of Sakhalin”, the traditional exhibition of oil and gas recovery, transportation and refining companies was represented by 17 stands.
General Director of “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. Dmitry P. Cheremisin participated in the conference. The company was represented on the information stand.
“Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. expresses thanks to the Government of the Sakhalin Region for support of the company participation in the industry forum.
29 сентября, в островной столице завершила работу крупнейшая отраслевая конференция “Нефть и газ Сахалина”. В этом году ключевыми темами мероприятия стали локализация нефтесервисов и глубокая переработка углеводородов в островном регионе. Всего в форуме “Нефть и газ Сахалина” приняли участие 189 компаний, традиционная экспозиция предприятий добычи, транспортировки и переработки углеводородов была представлена 17 стендами.
В конференции принял участие генеральный директор АО «Тихоокеанская инжиниринговая компания» Черемисин Д.П. Компания была представлена на информационном стенде.
АО «Тихоокеанская инжиниринговая компания» благодарит Правительство Сахалинской области за поддержку в участии компании в отраслевом энергетическом форуме.
In view of the 25 year jubilee of “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. Certificate of Merit of the Government of the Sakhalin Region was awarded to the General Director Dmitriy Pavlovich Cheremisin for the long conscientious work and substantial personal contribution to development and consolidation of the oil-and-gas industry of the Sakhalin Region. Governor’s Commendations were given to the Director of Engineering Surveys Alexander Mikhailovich Voznyuk and Technical Director Vladimir Anatolievich Kuteinikov. Governor’s Grateful Letter was presented to the Chief Economist Nina Ivanovna Cheremisina.
On May 26th, 2021 the meeting of the Council of the investment activity was conducted. The ceremony of awarding of the small and medium business enterprises of Sakhalin Region achieved the highest operating rates in 2021 was held at the meeting.
Governor of Sakhalin Region V.I. Limarenko presented the commemorative to D.P. Cheremisin for the active participation in development of the business climate in the territory of Sakhalin Region.
“Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. has performed several large projects – both offshore ones on the shelf of Sakhalin Island and onshore surveys.
1. Offshore complex engineering surveys in the area of subsoil plot of federal significance including the field “Kaigansko-Vasyukanskoe-Sea”. The surveys were executed for construction of the exploratory well from the semi-submersible drilling rig (SSDR), for designing of the production complex and pipeline route from the site to the shore. Client – «Elvari Neftegas» LLC.
The following works were performed from survey vessel “Diabaz”: bathymetric survey by a multibeam echo sounder, hydroacoustic survey by a side-scan sonar, high resolution seismic, ultra-high resolution seismic, high-frequency and low-frequency continuous sub-bottom profiling, magnetometer survey and sampling; hydrometeorological and ecological investigations were performed. The following works were performed from survey vessel “Trias”: geotechnical drilling, СРТ, vertical seismic profiling (VSP) in the boreholes, field laboratory complex of the soil testing onboard the vessel. The works under the project “Kaigansko-Vasyukanskoe-Sea” will be continued in 2020 in accordance with the contract.
2. Offshore engineering geological and geotechnical surveys for development of the project documentation for the facility: “Sakhalin-1 Project” Arkutun-Dagi field. Central and Southern areas of Dagi structure. Construction of the underwater production facilities”. Client – “Exxon Neftegas Limited”.
The surveys were performed for positioning of the SEFDR (self-elevating floating drilling rig) for development of the areas of Central and Southern Dagi. Complex offshore engineering surveys were carried out for subsequent construction of the underwater production facilities including the patter wells, templates and flowlines. Survey vessel “Trias” was used under the project, the following works were performed from the vessel: drilling of engineering-geological boreholes, CPT, vertical seismic profiling in the boreholes. Complex of laboratory soil testing was carried out in the process of drilling works. The works have been completed in full.
3. Complex offshore and onshore engineering surveys for development of the project documentation for the facility «Sakhalin – 1 Project». Development Stage 2. Far-Eastern Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Production Complex. Offshore facilities. Onshore facilities». De-Kastri, Khabarovsk Territory. Client – Branch of the corporation “FLUOR DANIEL EURASIA INC.” (FLUOR), Technical Client – SNGT.
Jack-up drilling rig “Krot” and onshore geotechnical party were involved in the engineering-geological surveys. A new small-size tracked drilling unit “Korvet 05” was purchased for realization of the project. Five survey facilities have been completed under the contract, works at one of the facilities will be continued in 2020.
All laboratory tests under the projects have been performed in the stationary geotechnical laboratory. All works have been executed with strict observance of the safety requirements and environment protection.
“Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. has taken part in the fifth Eastern Economic Forum performed on September 4-6, 2019 in Vladivostok. The Company was represented by the Government of Sakhalin Region among the Sakhalin enterprises having influence on the economic growth of the Far Eastern region.
Dmitriy Pavlovich Cheremisin had meetings with the representatives of the region administration – Governor of Sakhalin region Valeriy Igorevich Limarenko and Government Head Aleksey Vasilievich Belik, with the representatives of the foreign delegations and potential clients of the investment projects in the territory of the Far East and Arctic zone. Exhibition “Street of the Far East”, one of the key events of the cultural program of EEF-2019, was opened on the quay of Ayaks bay.
All regions of the Far East represented their potential and achievements in the sphere of economics, culture and tourism. A presentation stand of “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. was represented in the pavilion of Sakhalin Region.
Participants of the exhibition “Street of the Far East” prepared an interesting entertainment program with performances of the best region creative collectives, master classes and trade fairs.
From August 30th to September 01st prologue of the race No Place to Run was held at “Pushisty” airfield in the context of “Sakhalin wings” festival. “Pacific Engineering Company Ltd.” participated in the second stage of the Russian Motorcycling Championship in “extreme-enduro” discipline. Results of the sportsmen will be scored not only in the Russian Championship but also in NPR-2019 international race. General Director Dmitry Cheremisin overcame the off-road obstacle race in the “Expert” class. “Pacific Engineering Company Ltd.” was one of the sponsors of the event, it took active part not only in its arrangement but also in the competition. A grateful letter was forwarded to the company from the organizing committee of NPR 2019.
“Pacific Engineering Company Ltd.” took part in XV All-Russia scientific-practical conference and exhibition “Prospects of the engineering surveys development in the construction of the Russian Federation” held in Moscow from November 26 to November 29, 2019.
The conference was organized by the staff of “Engineering surveys” magazine together with the “Institute of geotechnics and engineering surveys in construction” LLC. (“IGIIS”). Association “Engineering surveys in construction” (“AIIS”) and “Association of Surveyors”.
It is the first-rate annual event in the industry, 562 specialists from 183 organizations of three countries and 50 cities participated in the conference.
Alexander Voznyuk, Engineering Survey Director visited the Conference.
Jubilee 25th Sakhalin Oil and Gas Far Eastern Forum 2021 was held in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on the 28-30th of September. The event was carried out in the Business-Center “Stolitsa”. At the exhibit of the international conference “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. represented its exhibition stand under the national project “International cooperation and export”.
D.P. Cheremisin expressed thanks to the Support center of Sakhalin Region export for assistance in organization and participation in the conference and creation of the exhibition stand.
Sakhalin Oil and Gas Far Eastern Forum is a platform for development of the business contacts collecting top managers of the oil and gas industry during 25 years.
PECO football team participates in the Russian Mini-football Championship among unprofessional teams of the season 2019/2020 (II Championship League of Sakhalin Region) in the fourth division. The competitions started on November 4th, 2019 and they will last till April, 2020. By December 23rd, 2019 four games were played, two of them were won, one was lost and one – stand-off. The team is actively preparing for the tournament “Winter ball 2020” and “Night football league 2020”.
PECO Football club review
PECO unprofessional club was founded in January, 2017 under support of the General Director of “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. D.P. Cheremisin and Chairman of the Sakhalin Regional Football Federation A.Y. Abakumov.
For the period of the sport life the unprofessional football team took part in different municipal and regional competitions:
– “Night football league 2018 and 2019”,
– “Cup of Sakhalin Region for mini-football 2017, 2018 and 2019”,
– “Winter ball 2018 and 2019”,
– “Cup of Sakhalin Region for football 8 х 8”.
Realization of two large-scale investment projects related to development of the transit transportation corridors using the Northern Sea Route started in Sakhalin Region.
Completion of the projects is scheduled for 2027.
In 2022 “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. performed the following engineering surveys at following facilities as a part of the investment projects implementation:
The following surveys were performed for reconstruction of the existing infrastructure facilities of Korsakov port and construction of new ones: berths №1, №2, №3 and №4, the seawall, operational water zone and approach channel of the Southern cargo district; operational water zone and approach channel of the “Fishing port”; systems of the navigation safety assurance; coal railway overpass; the road and access roads, the road bridge, coast protection, etc.
The field works included the following surveys: bathymetric survey, engineering-geological surveys (drilling of engineering-geological boreholes from jack-up “Krot”, sampling from SV “Diabaz”, drilling of engineering-geological boreholes from the ramp of URB-2D-3 on KAMAZ); engineering-geophysical surveys from “Yamaha” launch (MBES, SSS, SBP and magnetometer survey); engineering hydro meteorological investigations and micro seismic zoning. Laboratory testing of the soil samples were carried out and technical reports were prepared.
Onshore surveys and shallow-water offshore drilling works were conducted at the mentioned facility. Drilling of engineering-geological boreholes on the shore was performed using drilling unit URB-2A on the basis of TT-4 caterpillar tractor and small-size drilling rig “Korvet – 05”; MINI jack-up drilling rig was used for drilling of the engineering-geological boreholes in the shallow-water areas. Survey vessel “Diabaz” was involved in the works within the seaward part of the water area. The engineering-geological cross-section was studied to the depth of 40 m.
The rating agency “Center of fuel and energy suppliers” interviewed the largest oil and gas companies for detection of the best potential suppliers of the industrial products and services required for development of the oil and gas shelf. The following companies were invited to the questionnaire: “Gazprom”, “NK Rosneft”, “LUKOIL”, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd., Exxon Neftegas Limited, “Gazprom dobycha shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk” LLC., “RN-Shelf-Far-East” Ltd., “RN-Shelf-Arctic” Ltd., “Gazprom oil Sakhalin” Ltd., “Yamal LNG” OJSC and others.
34 Russian companies including “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. were estimated in the category “Oil service”. As a result “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. was declared the best Russian company, its score is 4.4 by the 5-point scale.
Article “Results of interpretation of seismic sections in the process of engineering surveys within South-Kirinskoye oil-gas condensate field (shelf of Sakhalin Island)” was published in the magazine “Engineering surveys” #12, 9-10, 2018. Its authors: Geophysics of “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. – V.K. Leksin, V.I. Samarin, P.N. Liskovy.
About the magazine
Scientific-technical and practical articles covering a wide range of problems which the surveyors face in their work are published in the magazine. The main themes: technology and methods of the engineering investigations; surveys in the severe geological conditions, at the facilities of the oil and gas complex, at the unique and highly technical facilities; working with the regulatory documents; problems of the state expertise undergoing and many other issues.
On August 29th, 2019 there was a solemn event dedicated to celebration of the Day of oil and gas industry.
In honor of the professional holiday Vyacheslav Ivanovich Samisko, Chief of the offshore operations department of “Pacific Engineering Company Ltd.”, was rewarded with the Certificate of honor of the Sakhalin Region Government for the major contribution to development of the oil and gas industry of Sakhalin Region.
Within the frame of the Regional investment board activity due to Sakhalin Region entering TOP-30 of the National Rating of the investment climate in 2020 Dmitry Pavlovich Cheremisin was rewarded with the Acknowledgement of the Governor V.I. Limarenko for the considerable contribution and active participation in the investment climate improvement, formation of the modern industry and construction infrastructure of Sakhalin Region and implementation of the civilized business principles.
Based on the information provided by the Director of ANO “Creative association of Sakhalin cinematographers” Alexander Zarchikov the second expedition using the divers-searchers within the sunken vessel location was performed on October 8-9, 2022. Sakhalin divers Yan Dyatlov, Vadim Legenkin and Evgeniy Vyatkin discovered the vessel at the depth of 37 m, examined it and carried out video recording.
In November, 2020 the investigation of the seabed in Aniva Bay was performed from survey vessel “Diabaz” near the Anastasiya Cape. As a result the sunken Japanese escort ship CD112 affected by the American torpedo during the last month of the Second World War was detected.
On October 19th, 2018 PECO celebrated the 20th anniversary of its establishment (April 21, 1998). The book “Surveyors. In the sea and on the shore” devoted to the 20th jubilee was produced, it describes the investigating activity for previous 10 years and represents the continuation of the first book published in 2008 to the tenth anniversary of the company.
Pacific Engineering Company Ltd. together with the Sakhalin cinematographers performed the expedition for searching of the sunken Japanese escort vessel CD112 torpedoed by the American submarine SS120 “Barb” in July, 1945. The search was conducted as part of the work on the historical documentary film “Secret of the Anastasiya Cape” of ANO “Creative association of Sakhalin cinematographers” (Director – Alexander Zarchikov). The survey was executed from the geophysical vessel “Diabaz”. Geophysicists of the company Oleg Novozhilov and Maxim Poznukhov explored the seabed by the side scan sonar, and Alexander Zarchikov coordinated the search. The works lasted more than 24 hours, vast area of Aniva Bay was scanned considering the surveys performed by the previous expeditions.
As a result, on November 22nd the sunken vessel was detected at the depth of 38 m at the Anastasiya Cape in Aniva Bay. The obtained sonograms fixed wreck of the war vessel 54 m long; the vessel bottom, deck-house and pipe are clearly seen. Large wrecks are observed all round, supposedly the stern destroyed as a result of torpedoing and detonation of the depth bombs.