
Дальневосточный энергетический форум «НЕФТЬ И ГАЗ САХАЛИНА»

29 сентября, в островной столице завершила работу крупнейшая отраслевая конференция “Нефть и газ Сахалина”.  В этом году ключевыми темами мероприятия стали локализация нефтесервисов и глубокая переработка углеводородов в островном регионе. Всего в форуме “Нефть и газ Сахалина” приняли участие 189 компаний, традиционная экспозиция предприятий добычи, транспортировки и переработки углеводородов была представлена 17 стендами.

В конференции принял участие генеральный директор АО «Тихоокеанская инжиниринговая компания» Черемисин Д.П. Компания была представлена на информационном стенде.

АО «Тихоокеанская инжиниринговая компания» благодарит Правительство Сахалинской области за поддержку в участии компании в отраслевом энергетическом форуме.


Investment projects for reconstruction of the port infrastructure

Realization of two large-scale investment projects related to development of the transit transportation corridors using the Northern Sea Route started in Sakhalin Region.

  1. The project related to Korsakov port development includes the large-scale renewal of the working part of the port with the following construction of the multifunctional cargo hub for development of the transit transportation corridors. Modernization of the infrastructure includes dredging operations, renovation of the existing hydraulic facilities and creation of the logistical terminal for storage and processing of the fish production up to one million tons per year. The first stage includes reconstruction of the Southern cargo district. The second stage provides for reconstruction of the Northern cargo district with the similar works such as dredging of the seabed and operational water zone.
  2. The new multifunctional port complex on the eastern coast in Terpaniya Bay at the boundary of Poronaysk and Makarov Districts will provide transfer, processing and storage of oil, gas condensate and other natural resources; provide services of the port supply base and bunkering for operations of the Sakhalin oil-and-gas fields. The project has been included into the package plan of modernization and extension of the trunk infrastructure of the Russian Federation.

Completion of the projects is scheduled for 2027.

In 2022 “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. performed the following engineering surveys at following facilities as a part of the investment projects implementation:

  1. “Reconstruction of the port infrastructure facilities in Korsakov Sea port” as a part of the first stage of the project “Logistic technological cluster” (Korsakov port)”. Client – “Transport projects and investment” LLC.

The following surveys were performed for reconstruction of the existing infrastructure facilities of Korsakov port and construction of new ones: berths №1, №2, №3 and №4, the seawall, operational water zone and approach channel of the Southern cargo district; operational water zone and approach channel of the “Fishing port”; systems of the navigation safety assurance; coal railway overpass; the road and access roads, the road bridge, coast protection, etc.

The field works included the following surveys: bathymetric survey, engineering-geological surveys (drilling of engineering-geological boreholes from jack-up “Krot”, sampling from SV “Diabaz”, drilling of engineering-geological boreholes from the ramp of URB-2D-3 on KAMAZ); engineering-geophysical surveys from “Yamaha” launch (MBES, SSS, SBP and magnetometer survey); engineering hydro meteorological investigations and micro seismic zoning. Laboratory testing of the soil samples were carried out and technical reports were prepared.

  1. “Multifunctional cargo district” as a part of the project “Design and exploration works for the facility “Construction of the facility “Multifunctional cargo district” near Novoye settlement, Terpaniya Bay, Makarov District, Sakhalin Region. Client – “Transport projects and investment” LLC.

Onshore surveys and shallow-water offshore drilling works were conducted at the mentioned facility. Drilling of engineering-geological boreholes on the shore was performed using drilling unit URB-2A on the basis of TT-4 caterpillar tractor and small-size drilling rig “Korvet – 05”; MINI jack-up drilling rig was used for drilling of the engineering-geological boreholes in the shallow-water areas. Survey vessel “Diabaz” was involved in the works within the seaward part of the water area. The engineering-geological cross-section was studied to the depth of 40 m.


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