Within the frame of the Regional investment board activity due to Sakhalin Region entering TOP-30 of the National Rating of the investment climate in 2020 Dmitry Pavlovich Cheremisin was rewarded with the Acknowledgement of the Governor V.I. Limarenko for the considerable contribution and active participation in the investment climate improvement, formation of the modern industry and construction infrastructure of Sakhalin Region and implementation of the civilized business principles.
In view of the 25 year jubilee of “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. Certificate of Merit of the Government of the Sakhalin Region was awarded to the General Director Dmitriy Pavlovich Cheremisin for the long conscientious work and substantial personal contribution to development and consolidation of the oil-and-gas industry of the Sakhalin Region. Governor’s Commendations were given to the Director of Engineering Surveys Alexander Mikhailovich Voznyuk and Technical Director Vladimir Anatolievich Kuteinikov. Governor’s Grateful Letter was presented to the Chief Economist Nina Ivanovna Cheremisina.
Based on the information provided by the Director of ANO “Creative association of Sakhalin cinematographers” Alexander Zarchikov the second expedition using the divers-searchers within the sunken vessel location was performed on October 8-9, 2022. Sakhalin divers Yan Dyatlov, Vadim Legenkin and Evgeniy Vyatkin discovered the vessel at the depth of 37 m, examined it and carried out video recording.
In November, 2020 the investigation of the seabed in Aniva Bay was performed from survey vessel “Diabaz” near the Anastasiya Cape. As a result the sunken Japanese escort ship CD112 affected by the American torpedo during the last month of the Second World War was detected.
PECO football team participates in the Russian Mini-football Championship among unprofessional teams of the season 2019/2020 (II Championship League of Sakhalin Region) in the fourth division. The competitions started on November 4th, 2019 and they will last till April, 2020. By December 23rd, 2019 four games were played, two of them were won, one was lost and one – stand-off. The team is actively preparing for the tournament “Winter ball 2020” and “Night football league 2020”.
PECO Football club review
PECO unprofessional club was founded in January, 2017 under support of the General Director of “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. D.P. Cheremisin and Chairman of the Sakhalin Regional Football Federation A.Y. Abakumov.
For the period of the sport life the unprofessional football team took part in different municipal and regional competitions:
– “Night football league 2018 and 2019”,
– “Cup of Sakhalin Region for mini-football 2017, 2018 and 2019”,
– “Winter ball 2018 and 2019”,
– “Cup of Sakhalin Region for football 8 х 8”.
The largest industry conference “Oil and gas of Sakhalin” finished in the island capital on September 29th. This year the key topics of the event were oil and gas services localization and deep oil and gas refining in the Sakhalin Region. In total 189 companies took part in the forum “Oil and Gas of Sakhalin”, the traditional exhibition of oil and gas recovery, transportation and refining companies was represented by 17 stands.
General Director of “Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. Dmitry P. Cheremisin participated in the conference. The company was represented on the information stand.
“Pacific Engineering Company” Ltd. expresses thanks to the Government of the Sakhalin Region for support of the company participation in the industry forum.